Let's Speak Bahasa


"Which is"



Title: "Which is"

Dear listeners, Welcome back to our program Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, a segment that introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use it properly. Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the overseas broadcasting station of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Development and Fostering Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Nusa Tenggara Barat” which means in West Nusa Tenggara. 


You will listen to a conversation entitled “Yang Berkembang Biak” meaning "which reproduces". After traveling from Bali Island by ferry, Chris arrived at Pantai Seger (Seger Beach), Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, at night, to attend the Bau Nyale Festival or the tradition of catching sea worms.

This conversation takes place between Chris and Datil, a Lombok local, at Seger Beach. Datil and Chris discuss the reason why the festival is held early in the morning. Let’s listen to their conversation.

(The conversation below is read by the designated narrator and is not translated.)

Chris (P) : Kapan acara menangkap nyale dimulai?
Warga (W) : Pukul 4 pagi.
Chris (P) : Mengapa pagi sekali?
Warga (W) : Karena nyale yang berkembang biak, akan keluar dari celah karang pada pagi hari. 


After listening to the conversation, I will introduce the vocabulary related to today’s lesson. I will say it slowly, and you can repeat it after me.

"karena" which means because
"nyale" or "cacing laut" which means nyale or sea worms
"yang" which means which/that
"berkembang biak" which means to reproduce
"karang" which means rocks
"pagi hari" which means morning
"Karena nyale yang berkembang biak, akan keluar dari celah karang pada pagi hari." Which means Because the sea worm, which reproduces, will come out from the cracks of the rocks in the morning. 
"menangkap" which means to catch. 


In the conversation, you heard the sentence "Nyale yang berkembang biak, akan keluar dari celah karang pada pagi hari" (The sea worm, which reproduces, will come out from the cracks in the rocks in the morning). In that sentence, there is the word "yang" which means (which/that), connecting "nyale" (sea worms) and the phrase "berkembang biak akan keluar dari celah karang pada pagi hari" (reproduce and come out from the cracks of the rocks in the morning). The word "yang" functions to connect "nyale" with the phrase that describes it, **"berkembang biak"** (or reproducing).


Now, listen to some other examples of using the relative pronoun "yang" in different sentences.

"Pantai Seger yang terletak di Pulau Lombok menjadi destinasi wisata populer." (which means Seger Beach, which is located on Lombok Island, has become a popular tourist destination).  
"Chris yang suka makanan ekstrem ingin mencoba makan cacing laut." (which means Chris, who likes extreme food, wants to try eating sea worms).


The people of Lombok have an annual tradition called the Bau Nyale Festival. Etymologically, Bau Nyale in the Sasak language, spoken by the Sasak ethnic group in Lombok Island, consists of two words: "bau" (which means to catch) and "nyale" (which means sea worms). Bau Nyale means ‘catching sea worms’. The Bau Nyale Festival is held once a year, as the nyale or sea worms only appear between February and March at Seger Beach. The people of Lombok believe that nyale are the incarnation of Princess Mandalika, who can bring prosperity.


Before we end today’s episode of Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, let’s listen to the conversation once again for clarity. The conversation will not be translated and will be read slowly.

Chris (P) : Kapan acara menangkap nyale dimulai?
Warga (W) : Pukul 4 pagi.
Chris (P) : Mengapa pagi sekali?
Warga (W) : Karena nyale yang berkembang biak, akan keluar dari celah karang pada pagi hari. 


Dear listeners, that was today’s episode of Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia with the title “Yang Berkembang Biak” (which reproduces). We hope this edition was useful for those of you who want to learn more about Bahasa Indonesia. We will meet again with a new lesson. Thank you for your attention. See you next time!
